Finding you the quietest technology and solutions to unwanted noise

What is Quiet Mark?

Quiet Mark is the independent global certification programme associated with the UK Noise Abatement Society charitable foundation (est.1959). Through scientific testing and assessment Quiet Mark identifies the quietest products in multiple categories spanning many sectors, including: home appliances and technology, building sector materials and commercial sector products. Quiet Mark certification is the unique consumer and trade champion mark of approval and resource platform. It provides reliable and independent information about the sound a product makes and approved noise reduction performance before purchase with the primary focus to improve health and wellbeing. Stimulating manufacturing worldwide to prioritise responsible acoustic design to reduce noise pollution.

Why Quiet Mark is needed now more than ever before

As a result of the Covid-Lockdowns everyone around the world is spending more time living and working at home. The search for quieter technology has now become a priority. Excess noise can increase stress levels, disturb sleep, reduce productivity, impede health recovery and impair human relations. By choosing quieter technology and effective acoustic solutions a serene backdrop can be created to rebalance well-being at home, work and in every living space.

Kenwood kMix mixer

How Quiet Mark certifies products

Quiet Mark leads its definitive acoustic measurement system engaging with global specialist acoustic teams. Quiet Mark conduct assessments of declared technical test data, and acoustic measurement of products in the purpose-built Quiet Mark test laboratory and specialist acoustic lab partners for specific product categories. 

Acoustic product data is compared like for like in each category triangulating the core performance data of the product with its acoustic performance. From a comprehensive data set of a selection of current comparable market samples for each category, between 10% to 20% of the quietest best performing products are awarded Quiet Mark certification. Each product category is re-evaluated annually to reflect new models coming on to the market.

Anderson Acoustics is at the forefront of acoustic measurement affiliated with the Institute of Acoustics and Association of Noise Consultants.

Intertek is a leading Total Quality Assurance provider to industries worldwide providing acoustic testing for Quiet Mark in specialist laboratories.

Quiet Mark is established with Good Housekeeping Institute in North America and Canada with a long-standing acoustic testing association.

Our heritage

The Noise Abatement Society (NAS) was founded in 1959 by the entrepreneurial businessman John Connell OBE who believed that being exposed to excessive noise profoundly affected health, children's learning, productivity, and general quality of life – he called noise ‘the forgotten pollutant’.

John almost single-handedly lobbied the Noise Abatement Act through Parliament, when in 1960, noise became a statutory nuisance for the first time in the UK.

His practical problem-solving included introducing rubber dustbin lids and plastic milk crates to reduce urban disturbance, stopping night flights, and in the early 70’s he commissioned detailed planning for a revolutionary Thames Estuary Airport directing flight paths out to sea.

Today the internationally respected NAS seeks to accelerate change to protect future generations from a worsening aural environment by disseminating new methods of sound management, running an awareness programme for schools, incentivising industry to design low-noise technology and providing the only national help line dedicated solely to the problems of noise.

NAS cannot change the human condition, but it can offer practical ways to support those who wish to exercise choice in an otherwise noisy world.