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A breath of fresh air

A breath of fresh air

by Jacky Parker  | Liz Earle Wellbeing Magazine, January 2024

This article - written by Jackie Parker and published unabridged in the print edition of Liz Earle Wellbeing Magazine, January 2024 - features commentary by Poppy Szkiler, Quiet Mark's founder and CEO and explores several home hacks to help improve wellbeing in our homes. 


Above and header image: photo by Earthborne paints


We’re more aware than ever of the effects housing can have on health, but it isn’t just poorly maintained homes that can pose health risks. Pollutants can be an issue in any home and are connected with health conditions, from insomnia and brain fog to respiratory difficulties and more serious illnesses. The good news is that with a few simple switches, we can improve our health and wellbeing at home. Here’s what experts suggest.


Quieter appliances 

Calm, quiet spaces offer us the chance to switch off and relax. But from washing machines and extractors to blenders and kettles, our homes often hum with a cacophony of noise. 'Many people don’t realise the impact noise can have on their health,’ says Poppy Szkiler, CEO, Quiet Mark. ‘Yet long-term exposure to noise can cause significant damage, affecting the physical rhythms of our bodies, our hormones, cardiovascular and metabolic systems. Being Quiet Mark certified means home appliances have undergone thirdparty testing and are among the quietest in their category.


Read the full, unabridged article in the Janauary 2024 print edition of Liz Earle Wellbeing Magazine
for more stylish home hacks to put a smile on your face and reduce fatigue, headaches & allergies