Liebherr XRCsd 5255 Prime BioFresh NoFrost Side-by-Side Fridge Freezer

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  • Prime Side-by-Side fridge and freezer with BioFresh, NoFrost and plumbed IceMaker

    No Frost

    No more defrosting.

    The automatic defrosting function guarantees that frozen foods remain fresh. There is no longer a need to store frozen food temporarily during manual defrosting. The constant optimal freezing remains the same without interruptions.


    No drying out.

    Our basic technology is in all fridge-freezers. The two completely separate refrigeration circuits ensure that there is no air exchange between the fridge and freezer compartments. Groceries do not dry out nor spread odour.

    Prime Design

    With the Prime series things get much more classy. It makes an unmistakable mark in terms of design and material. Above all, genuine quality materials are used inside the appliances, such as stainless steel. But special lighting solutions also make the appliances in this series particularly appealing.


    • Product code / SKU: XRCsd 5255 Prime BioFresh NoFrost
    • Model type: Fridge-freezer with BioFresh and NoFrost
    • Product dimensions (height/width/depth): 185.5 / 59.7 / 67.5 cm
    • Total volume: 313 l
    • Weight (without packaging): 85.1 kg
    • Energy efficiency class: D
    • Connectivity solution: Retrofittable
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