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Autumn Glory Acoustics

Back to school starts with Quiet Mark Certification’s RIBA-Approved CPD Roadshow seminar schedule for the Build Sector with dates now available to book through to March 2024

(this article originally appeared in Architecture Magazine Oct/Nov 2023 issue | header image (above): Internorm KF 520 uPVC-Aluminium Triple Glazed Window)

Recognising the knowledge gap that exists for many architects, specifiers and designers when it comes to the complexities of acoustic design in building project planning, Quiet Mark’s brand new RIBA Approved CPD further equips and empowers architects, specifiers and designers with easily accessible information on certified acoustic solutions verified for every building application area by third-party-technical experts at Quiet Mark.


Above: Quiet Mark certified Silent Gliss Acoustic Fabrics


Because acoustic design in the built environment can be complex it often is lower down in planning priorities. Consequently, there’s a risk that the best, most appropriate materials are not used, affecting long-term health and wellbeing of occupants for generations to come. Through Quiet Mark’s CPD, best practice acoustic design is upheld and not overlooked in the built environment at the outset of each project, by inspiring the next generation of designers to understand how sound impacts human health and by providing the free resource of third party verified Quiet Mark certified products. Quiet Mark RIBA CPD seminar dates include power-hours followed by Q&A sessions with our experts on how the right sound design transforms every project. Covering every application and sector, to know the key principles of acoustic design and how acoustics can help meet a clients brief and support sustainability, wellbeing, productivity and inclusivity.

Secure a place on the Quiet Mark RIBA CPD academy booking site provided by the NBS CPD showcase network reaching over 45,000 specifiers.

The free to use Quiet Mark Certified products online sourcing directory supports specifier searches everyday including market wide verified acoustic surface or ceiling products, heat pumps & ventilation, acoustic furniture, washroom solutions like hand dryers, workplace solutions, sound masking, acoustic zoning and hundreds more assessed products for the building sector updated monthly. Please check a product upholds best practice sound design before you specify it. If we all do this, we beat noise pollution for inhabitants for years to come. Quiet Mark serves, supports and extends the public health remit of the UK’s Noise Abatement Society charitable foundation (est. 1959).


Above: Quiet Mark Certified build products include: BuzziSpace, BASWA acoustic, Enfield Speciality Doors, Daikin, Miele, MoodsonicWoodUpp and VetroSpace. Find more at NBS Source.


Top/Header Image: Internorm KF 520 uPVC-Aluminium Triple Glazed Window


This article is adapted from the Architecture Magazine Oct/Nov edition.

Read the original Architecture Magzine article on Flickread